Critical Thinking And Analysis/4pgs (1.5-spacing)/APA Style And Referencing/ Well Grounded Article

Critical Thinking and Analysis In this project, you will address a case study that intentionally does not give you enough detail for you to quickly resolve the issue. This is meant to enable you to use the processes of critical thinking to reach conclusions. Given the gaps in information provided to you, you will identify what you know, what you don’t know, and what questions you need to ask as you start your investigation of the facts of the case. The process is designed to encourage clear thinking and to help you to identify potential cognitive traps that could derail well-reasoned conclusions. To do this you will need to apply Ethical Decision- Making and Reasoning. Also highly recommended, Randolph Pherson’s “The Five Habits of the Master Thinker,”Your final paper should be no more than 4 pages (1.5 spacing), excluding the cover page and References page(s). Please organize your paper in accordance with your preparatory steps, using these subheadings: 1. Introduction 2. Explanation of the Issue 3. Analysis of the Information 4. Consideration of alternative viewpoints and conclusions 5. Conclusions and Recommendations Here are some tips for success: • • Consider outside sources if they inform your case. However, stay on task. • • Use APA style for “in text” and reference citations. At this point, your citations should be error-free. Consider these Best Practices for a paper: • An effective introduction that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone and direction for the rest of the paper; • Supporting paragraphs that move the reader from the general introduction to the more specific aspects of your analysis; • Body paragraphs that provide support; and, • A conclusion that leads to a natural close to what you have presented in your paper Purchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view it