rate the core knowledge and skills of project management (PM). Rubric-based assignment s , projects, and/or exams . Apply common and current t ools to project management t asks. Rubric-based assignments, projects, and/or ex ams. Employ pl a nning, organization, and management skills to complet e project de l iverable s . Rubric-base d assignments, projects, and/or ex a ms. Demonstrate profession a l -level writin g sk ills in the writing of project r e p orts. Rubric-based assignments, p r ojects, and/or exams. Evaluate teamwork skills in th e con t ext of project implementat ion. Rubric-based assignments, projects, and/or exams. Construct an effective oral pr esentation summarizing the project. Rubric-based assignments, projects, and/or exams. TEXTBOOK: Informa t ion Technology Pro ject Management, 8th edition, by Kathy Schwalbe . Published by C ours e Technology Cen gage Learning. SOFTWARE AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: A fully functioning version of Microsoft Project 2 013/2016 is required for this course. Students must have access to this so ft w a re by the first day of the quarter and the program must be available until the last day of the q uarter. MS Pr o j ect runs on a W indows OS, on a B o ot -Camp p a Windows. You can download the software for free under the ITAM Departments Microsoft Imagine account. Important Not e: In past quarters, some students have encountered problems accessing Imagine which has prevented those students from downloading MS Project 2016 in the first module of the course. Each student must put a backup plan into place if this problem is experienced. Two different solutions to the problem are available to each student: 1. Make use of the CWU computer labs that have Project 2016 . There are labs at the Main CWU Campus and the Satellite Campuses that run Project 2016 . Please use the labs to stay current in the class while the details of your Imagine account is being addressed. 2. Download the 30 day trial version of Project 2016 from Microsoft to your home computer while the details of your Imagine account is being addressed. After you have gained access to Imagine , you should be able to use the software key to unlock your trial version or you can simply re download the software follow ing the instructions on the Imagine website. Extensions will not be granted for assignments missed in the first module of the course because of difficulty with the Imagine account subscription. Grading Grading scale: A = 93% A = 90% B+ = 87% B = 83% B = 80% C+ = 77% C = 73% C = 70% D+ =67% D = 63% D = 60% Individual Assig n m ents 30% In-Class Activities 20% Team Project 35% In-Class Quizzes 15% Total 100% Co urse Policies: I reserve the right to make changes to this document, the syllabus, clas s schedule, assignments, or other course material as needed throughout t h e course. Students will be notified o f any changes through an Announc ement in the Canvas classroom. Late Work and Assignment Submission: Late wor k is never accepted, excep t i n the case of an approved bereavement leave as defined by Academic and Gen e ral Regulati o n s C W UP 5 -90-040( 4 0). Please r efer to the following link: http ://www.cwu . e du/resources-reports/cwup-5-90-040-academic-and-general-regulations#(40) Student Bereavement Leave Your Course Ca l endar which contains all assignments and due dates can be found in Canvas, under the Syllabus link . The Canvas clock will reflect the official time an assignment is submitted and cannot be disputed. Take a few ext ra minutes to be sure that your assignment submission was received by Canvas and that you submitted the cor rect docum e n ts for the assignment. Assign m ents will not be accep t ed late if the wrong documents are submitted. Plagiarism and Original Work: All assignment wil l be run through TurnItIn. No exceptions. Any assignment found to have a similarity score of 25% or higher will not b review your TII score, make changes, and re submit if needed. Documents with an exceedingly high TII score will be investigated for plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, whether intentional or unintentional, a failing grade will be issued for the class and an academic violation may be filed. All work submitted for this course must be original and not recycled from other classes. Compressed or zipped files will not be accepted as they will not run through TurnItIn. Attendance Expectations: Students who miss more than 5 assignments of any type (individual or team assignments, discussions, quizzes, or lessons) will receive a failing grade in the class. Students attending on campus or hybrid versions of this class will receive a failing grade after missing 5 classes. To be in attendance, you must arrive within 5 minutes of the class starting time and leave class no more than 5 minutes before the end of class. The instructors attendance sheet is final. Previewing and Regrading Assignments: I will not preview assignments before they are submitted and you may not resubmit assignments once they have been graded. However, I will answer ALL questions you have before submitting the assignment and do everything I can to help you understand the work required. Once an assignment is graded, you may not make corrections and resubmit for a better grade. Communication: Please use Canvas for all questions or communications. Always create a new Canvas message (dont reply to my comments on assignments). I will respond wit hin 24 36 hours Monday Friday. On weekends, expect a longer response time. Additional Information: As a University student, checking deadlines, avoiding plagiarism, polite discussion, and discussion etiquette are expected. Expect to be challenged, but know your professor is always willing to help with struggles, questions, or other issues! More information regarding academic dishonesty, student behavior, diversity, and disability services is available in this syllabus. University Writing Center Central Washington University is a community of scholars and writers who are supported by the University Writing Center. Peer consultants guide students of all disciplines and all levels toward communication that will be effective in a global and diverse e nvironment. Visit: www.cwu.edu/learning commons/university writing center for more information. The TurnItIn feature of Canvas help s students learn to use sources and citations appropriately. TurnItIn matches the material in student papers against material on the Internet and in our database of CWU papers. Representing the words or ideas of someone else as your own is a violation of the CWU Student C onduct C ode and a serious infraction in this course. If you have questions about appropriate ways to include the word s or ideas of other people in your papers, contact the instructor. Papers submitted to TurnItIn are added to the database of papers. Your instructor has the option of what papers and assignments may be submitted and/or randomly submitted to TurnItIn. Ca nvas TurnItIn If you have a disability that may prevent you from meeting course requirements, contact the instructor immediately to file a Student Disability Statement and to develop an Accommodation Plan. Course requirements will not be waived but reasonable accommodations will be developed to help you meet the requirements. You are expected to work with the instructor and the CWU Disability Support Specialist to develop and implement a reasonable Accommodation Plan. For more information please visit: www.cwu.edu/disability support/ University Policy on Special Needs Academic Integrity is a stan dard set for this course. Students are expected to complete all of their coursework and assignments using their original words and ideas and will properly cite the words and ideas of others. Students are also expected to be honest in their interactions wit h the instructor. A student found to have not upheld these expectations is subject to failing this course and shall be subject to disciplinary action or sanction. The University catalog defines the term academic dishonesty in all its forms including, bu t not limited to: cheating on tests; copying from another students test paper; using materials during a test not authorized by the person giving the test; collaboration with any other person during a test without authority; knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un administered test or information about an un administered test; bribing any other person to obtain an un administered test or information about an un administered test; substitution for another student or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself to take a test; plagiarism which shall mean the appropriation of an y other persons work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in ones own work offered for credit; Collusion which shall mean the unauthorized collaboration with any other person in preparing work offered for credit. University Policy on Academic Integrity