contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and space. -For each behavior selected, you must do the

Task: observe nonverbal communication between two or more individuals. Focus on ONE individual and identify and anaylze specific nonverbal behaviors. Requirments: You must incorporate terminology and ideology discused in class. section 1- Introduction: presents a breif overview that includes how the paper is organized. Following this, present and define nonverbal communication and discuss why this concept is useful. section 2- Body Language & Self-Presentation: -Select and discuss 5 nonverbal behaviors observed. They must include: Eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture and space. -For each behavior selected, you must do the following: 1-State the specific behavior being discussed as a heading, 2-describe and summerize in detail, using CONCRETE language, how the individual used the behavior(i should be able to visualize exactly what you describe.) 3-Analyze WHY the individual acted that particular way for each behavior. What did it mean? What message were they trying to convey? Why did they use that behavior? Section 3-Conclution: Create and overall anaysis about nonverbal behavior of the individual(s), what did you learn about nonverbal? In what ways did this assignment help you with analyzing messages conveyed through nonverbal behavior.