and how much these services cost. If you include WWW sources for your background research

In 4-6 pages, excluding the cover and reference pages, describe your action plan for dealing with your Lot in Life.  As part of your solution you should explain how your research on the topic has guided your plan of action. Contact at least two local community agencies (not just Web sites) that can help provide information, training, or support for the problem. Include specifics on how to contact the agency, what services they have available, and how much these services cost. If you include WWW sources for your background research on this topic, review the guidelines about evaluating Web sources given earlier. Describe any obstacles or challenges that may prevent your plan of action from being successful. Conclude your paper with a reflection of why you chose this particular Lot in Life to study and how your research of the topic has influenced your views of parenting. Your paper should be double-spaced and use a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt). Be sure to include a reference list at the end of your Part 3 assignment. Excellent and detailed articulation of a plan of action to solve the problem Good plan of action articulated with some minor omissions or problems in clarity Fair plan of action articulated with several minor omissions or problems in clarity Poor plan of action articulated with some major omissions or problems in clarity No plan of action articulated Excellent job identifying and describing at least 2 appropriate community agencies Good job identifying and describing at least 2 appropriate community agencies with some minor omissions or problems in clarity Identifies and describes 1-2 appropriate community agencies with several minor omissions or problems in clarity Identifies and describes 1-2 appropriate community agencies with several major omissions or problems in clarity Does not identify any community agencies Excellent and clear discussion of potential obstacles or challenges in implementing the plan of action Good and clear discussion of potential obstacles or challenges in implementing the plan of action, with some minor omissions or problems in clarity Discusses potential obstacles or challenges, but several minor omissions or problems in clarity Discusses potential obstacles or challenges, but several major omissions or problems in clarity Does not discuss potential obstacles or challenges Excellent reflection of why topic was chosen and how researching the topic has influenced views of parenting Good reflection of why topic was chosen and how researching the topic has influenced views of parenting, with some minor omissions or problems in clarity Fair reflection of why topic was chosen and how researching the topic has influenced views of parenting, with several minor omissions or problems in clarity Poor reflection of why topic was chosen and how researching the topic has influenced views of parenting, with several major omissions or problems in clarity No reflection of why topic was chosen and how researching the topic has influenced views of parenting Correct use of APA format for in-text citations and references Mostly correct use of APA format for in-text citations and references Several errors in the use of APA format for in-text citations and references Many errors in the use of APA format for in-text citations and references, but evidence of some citation style No citation style used Contains all of the following: Contains 4 of the following: Contains 3 of the following: Contains 2 of the following: Contains less than 2 of the following: