and then reflect on how you sometimes form your views and perspectives regardless of data or evidence to the contrary. American . If your paper has major American English grammer mistakes, run on sentences, etc. you will be asked to refund. Do not sign agreement unless you can write in proper American English at a College grade level. Based on your readings, research, and experiences as well as your study and consideration of the Exhibit above, select and analyze i In writing your essay, consider how your thinking impacts how you give meaning to events, social issues, or facts. Select one issue listed above as your topic for the essay. Once you select your issue above, get specific like how certain cities across the USA are raising the minimum wage Include the following points (see also Exhibit): The essay is a roadmap of how your mind works. Therefore, there is no right or wrong answer. The goal is to support your critical thinking based on readings from text, articles, or discussions in class. Purchase the answer to view it