DISCUSSION 3: Nurs 6512 Clinical Reasoning

DISCUSSION 3: Nurs 6512 Clinical Reasoning
DISCUSSION 3: Nurs 6512 Clinical Reasoning

Note: choose one of the below, but I have been told that pediatric cases are much clearer to work out, but it’s up to you. (attached separately)

Task description:

For this essay, select either Essay Case Option 1 (the paediatric case) or Essay Case Option 2 (the adult case). Review your chosen case and the clinical documents. Using the clinical reasoning cycle you are required to assess, plan, implement and evaluate your care for the patient. After identifying the relevant assessment data you must identify two (2) priority problems for your patient. For each priority problem identified, list two (2) nursing interventions (collaborative/independent) linking to your research of the literature. Include a one to two line rationale for each intervention. Evaluation of your care is essential.


Learning outcomes assessed:

1. Apply and integrate knowledge of the key NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Nursing Practice, National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, and National Health Priorities to enable effective clinical decision making, planning and action in a range of situations that reflect the diversity of contemporary health care settings and challenge.

2. Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to support evidence-based decisions for planning and action in a range of clinical situations.

3. Demonstrate clinical reasoning and clinical decision making in line with safe and quality person-centred care across the lifespan.

4. Apply knowledge and skills to communicate and collaborate effectively with consumers and families.

5. Reflect on the clinical placement experience and care provision, using feedback from a range of sources, to identify opportunities to enhance individual practice.

What you need to do: The 2200 word essay should cover the points below:

• Introduction (150 words approx): State an overview of the patient’s condition and identify the TWO priority nursing problems. Give a brief plan for the essay topics.

• For each of your identified priority problems (950 words approx): Briefly explain how it relates to the patient’s assessment data. You will need to draw on your understanding of pathophysiology to explain the link between the problem and the patient’s signs and symptoms. Identify TWO priority nursing interventions to address the problem. Justify the nursing interventions you will implement (explain what is involved in implementing the intervention, why it is suitable, any relevant positive or negative aspects/considerations) and support/justify the use of these interventions with reference to current evidence-based literature. Outline the evaluation criteria/data that would indicate that each intervention is improving or resolving the identified problem. Clinical Reasoning assignment Discussion 3

Assessment Task 2

• Conclusion (150 words approx): Briefly restate the patient’s condition and problems and how the nursing interventions can benefit the patient’s health.

• You need to discuss at least one independent nursing intervention in your essay.

 For any collaborative nursing interventions you must discuss the nursing responsibilities and actions in relation to this collaborative intervention.

 Medications cannot be both of your chosen collaborative interventions for a problem. If a medication is one of your collaborative interventions you must identify an appropriate drug that is likely to be/or has been prescribed by the doctor. You must consider and discuss the nursing responsibilities associated with the medication (action, dose, side effects, prevention and management of same, administration requirements, evaluation).

Length: 2200 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list)

APA referencing (page no. Required for in-text ref) for citing academic literature  Assignment cover sheet must be included as the first page of your document. Then continue using this word document on page 2 to write the rest of your assessment.  Be submitted in electronic format as a single Abode Acrobat PDF document via Turnitin Format of assignment: Your assignment should be • Be a written academic essay containing an introduction, body and conclusion, addressing the task.

Integrated Nursing Practice 2 On Campus

Assessment Task 2

• A minimum 20 references but be cited from valid, contemporary journal articles or books no older than 7 years. and prepared as follows:  3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text  Times New Roman, font size 12  APA style referencing (see http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au/)

Here is the essay plan please strictly follow this..

Essay structure Organising the 2200-word case study ESSAY

o Introduction: 150 words (approx.)

o Priority Problem 1: 950 words for two interventions + evaluation criteria

o Priority Problem 2: 950 words for two interventions + evaluation criteria

o Conclusion: 150 words (approx.)

Introduction Tip: Organise ideas into an outline before writing Introduction (150 words) A good introduction outlines the content, structure and overall thesis of your essay

o Topic Sentence: Introduce the patient o Identify focus for this essay (2 problems)

o Identify interventions for this essay (4 interventions for 2 problems) and their evaluation

o Thesis Statement

Example: In treating this febrile paediatric case, the nurse has an important role in the clinical reasoning cycle to ensure improvement in the Sam’s overall condition. In this case…..

Nursing problem 1 Paragraph 1 (focus on patient problem/data) Topic Sentence identify patient problem

o Provide most relevant patient data from case study to justify the choice of priority problem

o Explain how the data is related to the problem (pathophysiology) – use references

Essay Structure: Nursing problem 1 Paragraph 2 (focus on Intervention 1) Topic Sentence (provides the key words that answer the question)

o Identify Intervention 1 to match the priority nursing problem 1

o Identify the type of intervention (independent nursing/collaborative)

o Use summaries/paraphrases of the evidence-based literature to:

• Explain what the intervention is (references)

• Explain the nurse’s responsibilities in performing the interventions (references)

• Explain why it is suitable/appropriate for that patient

o Concluding Sentence: Link patient data & evidence from references: the intervention will resolve/manage/relieve which of the patient signs/symptoms/abnormal data?


Paragraph 3 (critical discussion of intervention 1) Topic Sentence

o Discuss advantages/disadvantages/risks of intervention based on research

o Use the evidence based literature to point out benefits/risks

o Link risks/benefits to the patient’s situation/medical condition Concluding Sentence (repeat key words & emphasise why intervention is suitable for the patient.

Paragraph 4 (focus on Intervention 2) Topic Sentence (provides the key words that answer the question)

o Identify Intervention 2 to match the priority nursing problem 1

o Identify the type of intervention (independent nursing/collaborative)

o Use summaries/paraphrases of the evidence-based literature to: Clinical Reasoning assignment Discussion 3

• Explain what the intervention is (references)

• Explain the nurse’s responsibilities in performing the interventions (references)

• Explain why it is suitable/appropriate for that patient

o Concluding Sentence: Link patient data & evidence from references: the intervention will resolve/manage/relieve which of the patient signs/symptoms/abnormal data?

Paragraph 5 (critical discussion of intervention 2) Topic Sentence

o Discuss advantages/disadvantages/risks of intervention based on research

o Use the evidence based literature to point out benefits/risks

o Link risks/benefits to the patient’s situation/medical condition

Concluding Sentence (repeat key words & emphasise why intervention is suitable for the patient.

Paragraph 6 (Evaluation Criteria) Topic Sentence:

o Identify types of evaluation data for Nursing Problem 1 + Intervention 1 + 2

o Explain specific evaluation tools and data to show patient is improving or problem is resolved

o Link measurements to abnormal patient data from the case study (aligns with problem justification)

o Use literature to support evaluation tools and measurements

Essay Structure: Nursing problem 2 Paragraphs 7-12 Repeat the suggested pattern for nursing problem 1 when writing about nursing problem 2.

Conclusion (100-150 words)

o Review patient problems

o Identify interventions discussed in the essay

o Re-state benefits of interventions to resolve the problems Conclusions should paraphrase the thesis of your essay, summarise the main points, reflect (not repeat) your introduction and leave the reader with a strong, lasting impression.

(More Info just in-case)

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Remember when choosing your priority problems and interventions

assessment/evaluation is not intervention

signs & symptoms are not problems

2. How many collaborative and independent interventions can we use as the video confused me?

You can use up to 3 collaborative and 1 independent intervention or you can use 2 collaborative and 2 independent. Because of the emergency situations with both patients you will probably need to use more collaborative depending on your priority problems.

3. Do the in text references count as part of the word count? Clinical Reasoning assignment Discussion 3

Yes they do. The reference page and cover page do not.

You can go + or – 10% on the word count.

4. What references are we allowed to use?

We would prefer journal articles but you can also use books. The only 2 web sites we will allow are the Asthma Foundation or the Heart Foundation. References can be no more than 7 years old or 2011. You need a minimum of 20 references for this essay.

5. Can we use interventions already written up on the medical documentation?

Yes you can but in some instances the order may need to be changed. You will determine this from your research e.g. oxygen your research might lead to another device, litres per mintues or concentration delivered

6. Can we use websites as references?

Only the Heart Foundation or Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

7. Can I use subheadings and do I need a title for the essay?

No you do not use subheadings in an academic essay and you do not need a title for the essay

8. Does my information in the body of the essay need to evidence based?

Yes absolutley if your information is not in text referenced it will be seen as invalid and does not receive marks

*** I have attached both case studies choose which one works better for you. I have also attached a sample copy of clinical reasoning cycle just in-case it is different to what you already know. And lastly, I have attached a template to assist with answering assessment, not important but i thought it would be helpful.**

For any queries pls email: [email protected] (underscore in between, sometimes creates confusion).

Thank you!! I have a very sharp deadline. I hope i wont be disappointed. Sorry but this is my last resort.