d- essays

3-4 paragraphs (500 Words)  Because the NCIC is a large data base that keeps current information used in law enforcement, would it be advantageous to have the photographs placed in that data base in a 3-D format (which would use computer space and cost more money), or will the regular photographs provide the material necessary to aid […]

Mapping unit 3 DB Read More »

Mapping unit 3 DB

d- essays

“Legal Brief vs. Legal Memorandum”  Please respond to the following:From the e-Activity, summarize two (2) of the seven (7) steps to writing a great legal memorandum, and examine the importance of each summarized step in both legal and non-legal writing. Give one (1) example of each summarized step and its use in legal and non-legal writing.Compare

LEG WEEK 9 Discussion Read More »

LEG WEEK 9 Discussion

d- essays

Week 3 Activity: Product Liability Law Case Summary Overview – In this activity you are to review the product liability case given below and create a brief that summarizes its legal elements and holding. Instructions – Read Estate of Simpson v. GM, LLC. (ATTACHED) Using the Week 3 Activity Template [DOCX] (ATTACHED) , accurately summarize the following regarding design,

Product Liability Law Case Summary Read More »

Product Liability Law Case Summary

d- essays

Draft a contract clause regarding the following topic: Dispute Resolution Clause  Write a 175 – 210 word essay on the Application of Clause using the some or all of the information from bullet points listed below:  Discuss the elements necessary to form a valid contract using the contract clause as an example.Explain the legal issues addressed by your selected



d- essays

Please be sure to address all the questions in the discussion post below: Franchising is becoming a very popular way of doing business. You may think of franchising in terms of motor vehicle sales or convenience food operations. What are some different types of local franchising operations that may not be common?  Discuss how and when one decides to go into

***Discussion Question** Read More »

***Discussion Question**

d- essays

Review the article by the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office, on Third Party Consent Searches titled Third Party Consent. Based on the case of Georgia v. Randolph, may a spouse ever provide officers with the legal authority to search property belonging to the other spouse? Can police search a residence based on the consent of one spouse over

crij1306 discussion Read More »

crij1306 discussion

d- essays

Complete the following, placing it in a single Word document:It’s time to look back at the Terminal Course Objectives (TCOs) in this course and assess what you have learned. In this course, you have considered ten TCOs focused on a variety of business law topics. How are these concepts relevant to the career path you are

homework 4 Read More »

homework 4

d- essays

Jury System Please respond to the following:Given the outcome of several recent verdicts (e.g., Casey Anthony, Bradley Manning), defend or critique the jury system overall as part of the U.S. adversarial system. Suggest the key benefits of a jury system for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Justify your response.Determine two (2) typical complaints from either

leg420 week 6-1 Read More »

leg420 week 6-1

d- essays